온라인헌금 및 후원 Offerings and Donations

온라인으로 헌금을 원하시거나, 저희들의 노숙인사역을 돕고 싶은 분들을 위해서 온라인헌금과 후원방법을 알려드립니다.
We have been serving homeless people with free food since 2010. All donations are welcome.

수신인(Payee): Grace Korean Presbyterian Church(GKPC)
주소(Mailing Address): 30 Norwich St. San Francisco CA 94110


Venmo (Click Below)
“SF Grace GKPC”


Zelle: sfgracechurch@gmail.com


신용카드 페이팔 Credit Card and Paypal


은행송금 Wire Transfer
Bank: Bank of America
Account Name: Grace Korean Presbyterian Church(GKPC)
Account Number: 000252505976
Routing Number: 121000358 (paper & electronic) 026009593 (wires)