241222 다락방모임

2024-12-20 22:47
■ 본문 Text / 누가복음 Luke 2:1~20
성경 말씀을 한 절씩 돌아가며 읽어주세요.
Please read the Bible passage one verse at a time.

◆ 마음을 열고 Open Your Heart
  1. 당신에게 예수님이 가장 필요했던 때는 언제였나요?
    When was the time you needed Jesus the most?
◆ 말씀 속으로 Into the Word
  1. 예수님께서 태어나신 시대는 어떤 시대였나요? 그 시대에 있었던 일들은 무엇인가요?(1~5절)
    What kind of era was it when Jesus was born? What events were happening during that time? (Verses 1–5)
  2. 어린 예수님이 태어나신 곳은 어디였나요? 왜 거기서 태어나셨나요?(6~7절)
    Where was baby Jesus born? Why was He born there? (Verses 6–7)
  3. 예수님께서 탄생하셨을 때, 천사들은 뭐라고 말했나요?(14절)
    What did the angels say when Jesus was born? (Verse 14)
◆ 생활 속으로 Into Your Life
  1. 성탄의 기쁜 소식을 누구에게 전하고 싶나요? 내가 복음을 전해야 할 대상을 찾아보세요.
    Who do you want to share the good news of Christmas with? Identify someone you need to share the Gospel with.