240915 다락방모임

2024-09-13 22:37
■ 본문 Text / 사사기 Judges 3:12~31**
성경 말씀을 한 절씩 돌아가며 읽어주세요.
Please read the Bible passage one verse at a time.

◆ 마음을 열고 Open Your Heart**
1. 최근에 저지른 어리석은 실수는 무엇인가요?
What is a foolish mistake you have made recently?

◆ 말씀 속으로 Into the Bible**
1. 이스라엘은 하나님께 어떤 죄를 저질렀나요? 그로 인한 심판은 무엇이었나요?(12~13절)
What sin did Israel commit against God, and what was the judgment they received because of it? (Verses 12-13)

2. 에훗은 어떤 사람이었나요? 그의 약점은 무엇이었나요?(15절)
What kind of person was Ehud? What was his weakness? (Verse 15)

3. 에훗은 용기를 내서 어떻게 나라를 구했나요?(16~23절)
How did Ehud courageously save the nation? (Verses 16-23)

◆ 생활 속으로 Into Your Life**
1. 당신은 어떤 단점이나 열등감이 있나요? 하나님께서 나의 단점과 열등감을 회복시켜주시기를 기도하세요.
What are some of your weaknesses or insecurities? Pray that God will restore your weaknesses and insecurities.