240811 다락방모임
2024-08-09 23:07
■본문 Text / 요한복음 John 11:17~27
성경 말씀을 한 절씩 돌아가며 읽어주세요.
Please read the Bible passage one verse at a time.
◆ 마음을 열고 Open Your Heart
1. 주변에 예수님을 믿고 많이 변한 사람이 있나요?
Do you know anyone around you who has changed significantly because of their faith in Jesus?
◆ 말씀 속으로 Into the Bible
1. 나사로가 죽은 지 얼마 되었나요?(17절) 나사로가 살던 동네는 어디였나요?(18절)
How long had Lazarus been dead? (Verse 17) What was the name of the town where Lazarus lived? (Verse 18)
2. 예수님을 찾아와서 원망했던 사람은 누구였나요?(21절) 마리아의 믿음에는 어떤 문제가 있었나요?
Who came to Jesus and complained? (Verse 21) What was the issue with Mary's faith?
3. 마르다가 생각한 부활과 예수님께서 말씀하신 부활은 무엇이 달랐나요?(24~26절)
How was the resurrection that Martha thought of different from the resurrection Jesus spoke of? (Verses 24–26)
◆ 생활 속으로 Into Your Life
1. 당신은 교회에서 어떤 봉사를 하고 계신가요? 마르다처럼 믿음없는 봉사자가 되지 않으려면 어떤 노력을 해야 할까요?
What kind of service are you involved in at your church? What efforts should you make to avoid becoming a faithless servant like Martha?
성경 말씀을 한 절씩 돌아가며 읽어주세요.
Please read the Bible passage one verse at a time.
◆ 마음을 열고 Open Your Heart
1. 주변에 예수님을 믿고 많이 변한 사람이 있나요?
Do you know anyone around you who has changed significantly because of their faith in Jesus?
◆ 말씀 속으로 Into the Bible
1. 나사로가 죽은 지 얼마 되었나요?(17절) 나사로가 살던 동네는 어디였나요?(18절)
How long had Lazarus been dead? (Verse 17) What was the name of the town where Lazarus lived? (Verse 18)
2. 예수님을 찾아와서 원망했던 사람은 누구였나요?(21절) 마리아의 믿음에는 어떤 문제가 있었나요?
Who came to Jesus and complained? (Verse 21) What was the issue with Mary's faith?
3. 마르다가 생각한 부활과 예수님께서 말씀하신 부활은 무엇이 달랐나요?(24~26절)
How was the resurrection that Martha thought of different from the resurrection Jesus spoke of? (Verses 24–26)
◆ 생활 속으로 Into Your Life
1. 당신은 교회에서 어떤 봉사를 하고 계신가요? 마르다처럼 믿음없는 봉사자가 되지 않으려면 어떤 노력을 해야 할까요?
What kind of service are you involved in at your church? What efforts should you make to avoid becoming a faithless servant like Martha?